Tuesday, December 12, 2006

IE 7.0 dll conflict result the IE does not start

Oh, i have installed IE7 on my home PC, Windows XP SP2 simplified Chinese version, unfortunately, the IE7 can NOT be started! I clicked the icon and nothing happened!

I followed the KB926449, but nothing listed on that KB works.

I found if the psapi.dll in the Internet Explorer directory will make my IE 7 start failed without any messages!

My psapi.dll in the Internet Explorer directory is 14848 bytes, 4.0.1371.1, Process Status Helper. I guess this dll file is too old and I found the same psapi.dll in system32 directory and the version is 5.1.2600.2180. I guess this is a dll conflict but the IE 7 installer does not detect.

I remove this old psapi.dll IE 7 starts fine.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

the dojo

dojo.event.connect(dojo, "loaded", "init");
function init() {
dojo.event.connect(["userName", "nickyName", "email1", "btnRegister" ], "onfocus", infocus);
dojo.event.connect(["userName", "nickyName", "email1", "btnRegister" ], "onblur", outfocus);
dojo.byId("userName_tips").className = "tipSpan";
function infocus(evt) {
evt = dojo.event.browser.fixEvent(evt);
dojo.byId(evt.target.id + "_tips").className = "tipSpan";
function outfocus(evt) {
evt = dojo.event.browser.fixEvent(evt);
dojo.byId(evt.target.id + "_tips").className = "tipSpan1";

Sunday, December 03, 2006

play with the image

I had made the verification code image with random string draw into the image. The image had some disturbing lines and must be used with session together.

Friday, December 01, 2006

The roadyo.com

I should make 2 points for this project.
One is the verfication code image generated from the server side. I can use the java awt code to do this, and I need some test. I have referred some .net C# code example :)
Two is the uploaded photo should be resized and fit a fixed size for web showing. Need more test.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

To find the "feeling" about web 2.0

I am looking for the special feeling for the web 2.0. I compared the flickr from yahoo and picasaweb.google.com. The picasaweb should use the ActiveX and this is not comfort for me, but, i found the basic uploader that is a normal web file uploader page. Actually the flickr is more complex for the images dealing, like resize and more functions.

java image shrink code example

import java.io.File;

import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.image.AffineTransformOp;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;

public class UploadImg{
/*** @param fromdir 图片的原始目录
* @param todir 处理后的图片存放目录
* @param imgfile 原始图片
* @param sysimgfile 处理后的图片文件名前缀
public boolean CreateThumbnail() throws Exception{
//ext是图片的格式 gif JPG 或png
String ext="";
double Ratio=0.0;
File F = new File(fromdir,imgfile);
if (!F.isFile())
throw new Exception(F+" is not image file error in CreateThumbnail!");
//首先判断上传的图片是gif还是JPG ImageIO只能将gif转换为png
if (isJpg(imgfile))
{ext="png"; }
File ThF = new File(todir,sysimgfile+"."+ext);
BufferedImage Bi = ImageIO.read(F);
//假设图片宽 高 最大为120 120
Image Itemp = Bi.getScaledInstance (120,120,Bi.SCALE_SMOOTH);
if ((Bi.getHeight()>120) (Bi.getWidth()>120)){
if (Bi.getHeight()>Bi.getWidth())
Ratio = 120.0/Bi.getHeight();
Ratio = 120.0/Bi.getWidth();

AffineTransformOp op = new AffineTransformOp(AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(Ratio, Ratio), null);
Itemp = op.filter(Bi, null);
try {

ImageIO.write((BufferedImage)Itemp, ext, ThF);
}catch (Exception ex) {
throw new Exception(" ImageIo.write error in CreatThum.: "+ex.getMessage());
return (true);

该程序使用了Java 的AWT,在linux下运行可能报错,有两种解决方式:
(1) jdk1.4以前版本:需要安装 XFree86和XFree86-Xvfb ,加入 export DISPLAY=hostdomain:0.0
(2) jdk 1.4以后版本,在执行命令java 加入参数-Djava.awt.headless=true,表示这是一个没有键盘 没有显示器的无头服务器,意称机房托管的服务器。
PJA VNC 或ACME Laboratories
