Tuesday, December 12, 2006

IE 7.0 dll conflict result the IE does not start

Oh, i have installed IE7 on my home PC, Windows XP SP2 simplified Chinese version, unfortunately, the IE7 can NOT be started! I clicked the icon and nothing happened!

I followed the KB926449, but nothing listed on that KB works.

I found if the psapi.dll in the Internet Explorer directory will make my IE 7 start failed without any messages!

My psapi.dll in the Internet Explorer directory is 14848 bytes, 4.0.1371.1, Process Status Helper. I guess this dll file is too old and I found the same psapi.dll in system32 directory and the version is 5.1.2600.2180. I guess this is a dll conflict but the IE 7 installer does not detect.

I remove this old psapi.dll IE 7 starts fine.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

the dojo

dojo.event.connect(dojo, "loaded", "init");
function init() {
dojo.event.connect(["userName", "nickyName", "email1", "btnRegister" ], "onfocus", infocus);
dojo.event.connect(["userName", "nickyName", "email1", "btnRegister" ], "onblur", outfocus);
dojo.byId("userName_tips").className = "tipSpan";
function infocus(evt) {
evt = dojo.event.browser.fixEvent(evt);
dojo.byId(evt.target.id + "_tips").className = "tipSpan";
function outfocus(evt) {
evt = dojo.event.browser.fixEvent(evt);
dojo.byId(evt.target.id + "_tips").className = "tipSpan1";

Sunday, December 03, 2006

play with the image

I had made the verification code image with random string draw into the image. The image had some disturbing lines and must be used with session together.

Friday, December 01, 2006

The roadyo.com

I should make 2 points for this project.
One is the verfication code image generated from the server side. I can use the java awt code to do this, and I need some test. I have referred some .net C# code example :)
Two is the uploaded photo should be resized and fit a fixed size for web showing. Need more test.